Go (golang) Go (golang) resources I frequently recommend: go.dev play-with-go.dev golang.org | tour.golang.org | play.golang.org | blog.golang.org The Go Programming Language by Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan Go for DevOps by John Doak (interview) and David Justice (interview) Learning Go by Jon Bodner (@jonbodner). See: Review: ‘Learning Go’ by John Arundel (@bitfield). Go in Action by William Kennedy (@goinggodotnet), Brian Ketelsen (@bketelsen) & Erik St. Martin (@erikstmartin) Go Language Basics by John Doak Take your first steps with Go (Microsoft Learn) Visual Studio Code + Go in Visual Studio Code justforfunc: Programming in Go (YouTube) by Francesc Campoy (@francesc) Gopher Academy / GopherCon 2014-2019 (YouTube) Ultimate Go Programming (O’Reilly LiveLessons by William Kennedy (@goinggodotnet) Go by Example GopherCon 2019 - How I Write HTTP Web Services after Eight Years by Mat Ryer (@matryer)